After an $80M Series D raise, DalCor takes another shot at a PhIII myocardial infarction trial

Dal­Cor Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has re­grouped from past set­backs to com­plete an $80 mil­lion Se­ries D round to ad­vance its cho­les­teryl es­ter trans­fer pro­tein (CETP) in­hibitor, dal­cetrapib, to Phase III for re­duc­ing my­ocar­dial in­farc­tion.

The com­pa­ny’s pre­vi­ous at­tempt at a reg­is­tra­tional tri­al for dal­cetrapib end­ed in dis­ap­point­ment, like­ly due to the neg­a­tive ef­fects of the Covid pan­dem­ic. De­spite a pri­ma­ry end­point miss, the re­sults of dal-GenE were promis­ing, and Dal­Cor is now giv­ing it an­oth­er go.

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