After cutting back on Vuity last fall, AbbVie culls a second-gen presbyopia eye drop

In 2021, Ab­b­Vie se­cured the first FDA ap­proval for an eye drop for pres­by­opia, but in 2022 the drug­mak­er re­duced sales and mar­ket­ing on the prod­uct, brand­ed as Vuity. Now, a sec­ond-gen at­tempt at treat­ing the age-re­lat­ed far­sight­ed­ness con­di­tion is go­ing in­to the trash bin.

The Chica­go-area Big Phar­ma up­dat­ed a fed­er­al tri­als data­base late last week to say it had ter­mi­nat­ed a Phase I/II study of AGN-241622. A proof-of-con­cept read­out had been ex­pect­ed in 2023, per a cor­po­rate pre­sen­ta­tion ear­li­er this year.

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