After first-line approval in DLBCL, debate continues around benefit from Roche’s ADC Polivy

The FDA ap­proved Roche and Genen­tech’s an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate Po­livy in April as a first-line treat­ment for dif­fuse large B-cell lym­phoma (DL­B­CL) along­side a chemother­a­py reg­i­men R-CHP.

The ap­proval came de­spite mod­est ef­fi­ca­cy in a Phase III study and FDA ques­tions about the ther­a­py, though an ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee large­ly sup­port­ed ap­prov­ing the drug.

It al­so in­tro­duced a new first-line op­tion for DL­B­CL, where the chemother­a­py reg­i­men R-CHOP has been the stan­dard care op­tion for decades.

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