After ‘growing up’ last year, Moderna warns of losses and charts path back to profits: #JPM24

Mod­er­na’s pre­sen­ta­tion on Mon­day at #JPM24 sig­naled a marked shift in tone from one of biotech’s Covid-19 su­per­stars.

With the pan­dem­ic in the rearview mir­ror, Mod­er­na large­ly stayed away from dis­cussing ear­ly-stage re­search and in­stead em­pha­sized a swath of piv­otal da­ta read­outs from on­go­ing Phase III pro­grams and po­ten­tial com­mer­cial launch­es of four vac­cines over the next two years.

The late-stage fo­cus comes as Covid-19 vac­cine sales have slowed down sig­nif­i­cant­ly and in­vestors search for what can make up for those loss­es. Noth­ing crys­tal­lized the tran­si­tion more than the man who gave Mod­er­na’s keynote pre­sen­ta­tion: James Mock, their chief fi­nan­cial of­fi­cer.

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