After hack, analysts are bracing for a ‘messy’ Q1 earnings from UnitedHealth Group

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The health­care in­dus­try may nev­er be the same af­ter Feb. 21.

That’s the day hack­ers got in­side Unit­ed­Health Group sub­sidiary Change Health­care, forc­ing of­fline a ma­jor sys­tem for weeks that providers and phar­ma­cies use to process claims. The lev­el of dis­rup­tion drew scruti­ny from gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tors and law­mak­ers. It al­so prompt­ed a clos­er look at the con­glom­er­ate Unit­ed­Health Group has amassed as a ma­jor in­sur­er and health­care ser­vices provider.

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