After patient outcry, Taysha starts to offload drug programs

Taysha Gene Ther­a­pies has of­floaded some of the paused drugs in its pipeline, fol­low­ing near­ly two years of pres­sure from pa­tient groups who fund­ed ear­ly work on the pro­grams.

Thurs­day’s an­nounce­ment in­cludes three drug pro­grams that are be­ing sent back to uni­ver­si­ties, though a pa­tient group that jump­start­ed one of them has since moved on to de­vel­op­ing an­oth­er gene ther­a­py con­struct.

In a state­ment, Taysha said it’s ex­plor­ing part­ner­ships for oth­er paused pro­grams, but the com­pa­ny de­clined to say how many ad­di­tion­al drugs it’s look­ing to of­fload and the tim­ing.

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