After showing Wegovy cut cardiovascular risk by 20%, results detail impact on death and heart failure

Three months af­ter a large study of No­vo Nordisk’s pop­u­lar weight-loss and di­a­betes in­jec­tion showed it cut ma­jor car­dio­vas­cu­lar risks by 20%, fur­ther re­sults from the tri­al showed how the drug af­fect­ed oth­er cru­cial out­comes like heart fail­ure and death.

No­vo re­leased topline da­ta from the study in Au­gust, not­ing at that time that it planned to file for a la­bel ex­pan­sion in the US and EU this year. The vast SE­LECT tri­al, which en­rolled 17,604 pa­tients, is one of the largest and longest stud­ies — 4 1/2 years — in­ves­ti­gat­ing the GLP-1 in adults. Par­tic­i­pants were 45 years old or old­er, didn’t have di­a­betes, were over­weight or obese, and had a di­ag­no­sis of car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease. They got ei­ther a place­bo, or 2.4 mg of semaglu­tide, which is ap­proved as We­govy for weight loss and Ozem­pic for type 2 di­a­betes.

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