AI in medicine, detangling hype, and Icelandic DNA

Has AI really solved biology? What can machines teach us about medicine? And what’s a digital twin?

We cover all that and more this week on “The Readout LOUD,” STAT’s biotech podcast. It’s our all-AI episode. First, STAT’s Casey Ross joins us to explain his reporting on how researchers and pharmaceutical firms are using the technology to find new drug targets, design therapies, and improve clinical trials. Then, we talk to Joel Dudley, a partner at the venture firm Innovation Endeavors, about how to discern promising ideas from wastes of time when it comes to AI in biotech.


For more on what we cover, here’s the latest on AI in drug development; here’s where you can find episodes of Color Code; here’s where you can subscribe to the First Opinion Podcast; and here’s where you can subscribe to our biotech newsletter, The Readout.

Be sure to sign up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, or wherever you get your podcasts.

And if you have any feedback for us — topics to cover, guests to invite, vocal tics to cease — you can email [email protected].
