Alexion looks to settle lawsuit over Soliris sales practices for $125M

A 2016 class ac­tion law­suit filed against Alex­ion claim­ing shady sales prac­tices caused a de­cline in stock price could be near­ing its end af­ter both sides have asked a fed­er­al judge to ap­prove a $125 mil­lion set­tle­ment.

In the set­tle­ment, Alex­ion will not have to ad­mit wrong­do­ing, ac­cord­ing to court doc­u­ments filed Wednes­day.

The class ac­tion law­suit be­gan on be­half of stock­hold­ers who pur­chased stock be­tween Jan. 30, 2014 and May 26, 2017, al­leg­ing that Alex­ion and some of its ex­ec­u­tives used il­le­gal tac­tics to in­crease sales of its drug Soliris, which costs around $440,00 a year, ac­cord­ing to the law­suit — mak­ing it one of the world’s most ex­pen­sive drugs.

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