Alkermes’ $194M payment from Janssen gets approval from court

A New York court has ap­proved John­son & John­son’s Janssen pay­ing Alk­er­mes $194 mil­lion in its ar­bi­tra­tion case.

The case comes from two li­cense agree­ments con­cern­ing Alk­er­mes’ nanopar­ti­cle tech­nol­o­gy, NanoCrys­tal. J&J an­nounced in 2021 that it was par­tial­ly ter­mi­nat­ing the two agree­ments, which it struck 1999 and 2003. How­ev­er, the ter­mi­na­tions of those agree­ments cut in­to roy­al­ty sales that Alk­er­mes re­ceives from Janssen’s schiz­o­phre­nia treat­ments, In­ve­ga Susten­na and In­ve­ga Trin­za. Ar­bi­tra­tion pro­ceed­ings start­ed in 2022.

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