All aboard the public financing train! Zentalis, Editas, Verastem, Praxis and Clene, among others, raise funds

Biotechs left and right an­nounced stock sales this week af­ter da­ta drops at AS­CO, the Eu­ro­pean Hema­tol­ogy As­so­ci­a­tion’s an­nu­al meet­ing and else­where.

The famed genome edit­ing biotech Ed­i­tas Med­i­cine seeks about $125 mil­lion. Zen­tal­is Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals wants dou­ble that. Ve­rastem On­col­o­gy eyes $85 mil­lion. The tal­ly for Prax­is Pre­ci­sion Med­i­cines is $59.1 mil­lion. And over at Clene, the fig­ure is $40 mil­lion.

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