Allen Institute and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative launch research center to probe mysteries of the cell

A new $70 mil­lion re­search cen­ter aims to un­rav­el the mys­ter­ies of how or­gan­isms de­vel­op cell-by-cell and chron­i­cle the step-by-step changes that lead to dis­ease.

The Allen In­sti­tute and the Chan Zucker­berg Ini­tia­tive (CZI) have both com­mit­ted up to $35 mil­lion over five years to the new Seat­tle Hub for Syn­thet­ic Bi­ol­o­gy, which launched Thurs­day. The cen­ter will be helmed by Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton School of Med­i­cine pro­fes­sor Jay Shen­dure.

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