Allogene’s $110M offering; Apellis refinances

Plus, news about Fog­Phar­ma, Art­bio, En­ver­ic, Mind­Bio and Al­lozymes:

Al­lo­gene taps in­vestors for $110M: The biotech priced a com­mon stock of­fer­ing that in­clud­ed mu­tu­al funds, in­sti­tu­tion­al in­vestors and health­care spe­cial­ists. Some board mem­bers and ex­ec­u­tives al­so took part in the fi­nanc­ing. The Bay Area biotech now has rights in the EU and UK for the al­lo­gene­ic cell ther­a­py called cemacab­ta­gene ansegedleu­cel. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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