AlloVir lays off 95% of staffers after shuttering PhIII antiviral cell therapy trials 

AlloVir is lay­ing off 95% of its work­ers to “re­duce costs and pre­serve cap­i­tal” af­ter dis­con­tin­u­ing three Phase III tri­als of its an­tivi­ral cell ther­a­py can­di­date.

The lay­offs will take place be­tween Jan­u­ary and March, to be large­ly com­plet­ed by April 15, as ap­proved by the com­pa­ny’s board of di­rec­tors on Jan. 1, ac­cord­ing to a Thurs­day SEC fil­ing. The com­pa­ny had 114 em­ploy­ees as of Nov. 2 last year.

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