AlloVir to wind down PhIII trials for futility and will review strategic alternatives

AlloVir is pon­der­ing its cor­po­rate fu­ture af­ter find­ing out that its lead an­tivi­ral cell ther­a­py can­di­date is like­ly in­ef­fec­tive.

The biotech had been test­ing posoleu­cel, an off-the-shelf virus-spe­cif­ic T cell ther­a­py, in three sep­a­rate Phase III tri­als. At the pre-planned fu­til­i­ty analy­ses, all three in­de­pen­dent da­ta safe­ty mon­i­tor­ing boards (DSMBs) rec­om­mend­ed stop­ping the re­spec­tive tri­als they were over­see­ing, all say­ing that da­ta sug­gest­ed the stud­ies were un­like­ly to meet their pri­ma­ry end­points.

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