Almirall partners with etherna; Daiichi’s RNA deal with Depixus; SQZ founder’s startup emerges from stealth

Plus, news on Antabio’s €25 mil­lion Se­ries B, Athi­ra’s Alzheimer’s da­ta, Con­nect’s asth­ma re­sults and Liq­uidia’s $25 mil­lion raise.

Almi­rall, eth­er­na’s new part­ner­ship: The com­pa­nies plan to de­vel­op new mR­NA ther­a­pies for se­vere skin dis­eases, in­clud­ing some skin can­cers. Almi­rall is pay­ing eth­er­na an undis­closed up­front pay­ment, plus up to €300 mil­lion ($324 mil­lion) in po­ten­tial mile­stones. — Jaimy Lee

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