Almirall reimagines famous works of art by da Vinci, Gauguin and others in new AD campaign

What if the Mona Lisa or the Girl with a Pearl Ear­ring had dry, scaly patch­es on their skin? They do in Almi­rall’s “Atopic Mu­se­um,” cre­at­ed to broad­en aware­ness of atopic der­mati­tis (AD) and to tack­le some of the myths around it.

The on­line mu­se­um fea­tures eight fa­mous paint­ings with al­tered ti­tles and AD patch­es added to the sub­jects’ skin in the art­work. Paul Gau­guin’s When Will You Mar­ry?, for ex­am­ple, be­comes When Will You Scratch?, while Jo­hannes Ver­meer’s Girl with a Pearl Ear­ring is The Girl With Eczema. The sub­jects in the reimag­ined copies of the paint­ings have vis­i­ble scaly red or dark­ened skin patch­es, with some al­so shown as itch­ing, sleepy or de­pressed, which are all symp­toms of AD.

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