Almost a year since Humira biosimilars launched, AbbVie still controls more than 97% of the US market

Ab­b­Vie isn’t los­ing its con­trol of its biggest cash cow Hu­mi­ra (adal­i­mum­ab) quite yet, de­spite the in­flux of eight adal­i­mum­ab biosim­i­lars vy­ing for mar­ket share, ac­cord­ing to a new re­port from Sam­sung Bioepis.

The quar­ter­ly biosim­i­lar mar­ket re­port, re­leased Tues­day, found that de­spite the launch of eight dif­fer­ent Hu­mi­ra com­peti­tors, at var­i­ous price points from 5% dis­counts on the brand name prod­uct to 86% dis­counts (as in the case of Co­herus’ Yusim­ry), on­ly Am­gen’s Am­je­vi­ta has been able to muster 2.6% up­take.

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