Alpine Immune Sciences, Janux said to be looking at possible sales — reports

Two clin­i­cal-stage biotechs are po­ten­tial­ly the next ac­qui­si­tion tar­gets in bio­phar­ma, ac­cord­ing to Wednes­day af­ter­noon re­ports from Bloomberg News.

T cell en­gager biotech Janux Ther­a­peu­tics is said to be weigh­ing a pos­si­ble sale, ac­cord­ing to one re­port from the news ser­vice. Mean­while, im­mune drug de­vel­op­er Alpine Im­mune Sci­ences is al­so ex­plor­ing a sale as it re­ceives takeover in­ter­est, per an­oth­er Bloomberg re­port.

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