Altimmune cuts hepatitis B program, highlights muscle preservation on obesity drug in data update

Al­tim­mune is end­ing its he­pati­tis B pro­gram fol­low­ing a tri­al fail­ure, rais­ing the stakes on its on­ly re­main­ing can­di­date in the pipeline — an in­jectable GLP-1/glucagon dual ag­o­nist for obe­si­ty and MASH — for which it al­so re­vealed new da­ta Wednes­day.

The com­pa­ny said that the over­all re­sponse in its Phase 2 tri­al for Hep­T­cell was “deemed to be in­suf­fi­cient to war­rant fur­ther ad­vance­ment” and Al­tim­mune won’t de­vel­op the im­munother­a­peu­tic any fur­ther.

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