Alto Neuroscience and Fractyl Health add to biotech IPO momentum in Friday doubleheader

Two more biotechs will go pub­lic Fri­day morn­ing as Al­to Neu­ro­science and Fractyl Health build on the mo­men­tum cre­at­ed by CG On­col­o­gy and Ar­riVent Bio­Phar­ma’s Nas­daq list­ings last week.

Cal­i­for­nia drug­mak­er Al­to Neu­ro­science raised about $128.6 mil­lion in its up­sized NYSE list­ing, as the mid-stage CNS biotech priced at $16 apiece $AN­RO, the high end of the range it pro­posed ear­li­er this week. Fractyl Health, mean­while, land­ed on the Nas­daq with $110 mil­lion in pro­ceeds by pric­ing at $15 a share $GUTS, the mid-point of the range it dis­closed on Mon­day.

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