Alto Neuroscience closes $45M round; Simcere partners with Connect; Myricx licenses WuXi antibody

Neu­ro­science com­pa­ny clos­es $45M round: Al­to Neu­ro­science closed an over­sub­scribed $45 mil­lion Se­ries C, led by In­Vivi­um Cap­i­tal, it an­nounced Tues­day. New in­vestors in­clud­ed Franklin Tem­ple­ton and Eli Lil­ly, and cur­rent in­vestors al­so chipped in. The drug­mak­er now has a board ob­serv­er, and In­Vivi­um’s Michael Liang joined Al­to’s board. The com­pa­ny plans to use the fund­ing to sup­port two treat­ments it’s de­vel­op­ing for ma­jor de­pres­sive dis­or­der, with four Phase II tri­als ex­pect­ed to read out by ear­ly 2025. Ear­li­er this year, Al­to raised $25 mil­lion from Al­pha Wave Ven­tures in a Se­ries B ex­ten­sion.

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