Amarin lays off US salesforce, names new CEO in shakeup

The new crew in charge at Amarin has out­lined their plans to turn things around — and it in­volves a sweep­ing re­org.

Amarin will cut all US sales po­si­tions and 30% of non-sales roles, while re­tain­ing a lim­it­ed team to sup­port Vas­cepa, its phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal-grade fish oil de­riv­a­tive. In­stead, it will fo­cus on reach­ing more pa­tients in Eu­rope (where the drug is mar­ket­ed as Vazkepa) as well as oth­er in­ter­na­tion­al mar­kets. Patrick Holt is step­ping in as pres­i­dent and CEO, re­plac­ing in­ter­im chief Aaron Berg, who will stay on as EVP and pres­i­dent in the US.

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