Amgen, Horizon urge judge to uphold constitutionality arguments against FTC

Am­gen and Hori­zon Ther­a­peu­tics filed a memo last week call­ing on an Illi­nois fed­er­al judge to up­hold the com­pa­nies’ ar­gu­ments against the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of the FTC’s ad­min­is­tra­tive process, as part of a law­suit the agency filed against the com­pa­nies in May to pre­vent their $28 bil­lion merg­er.

The FTC ar­gued in the law­suit that the merg­er would al­low Am­gen to use re­bates on its ex­ist­ing drugs to put pres­sure on in­sur­ers and PBMs to fa­vor Hori­zon’s Te­pez­za, which is used to treat thy­roid eye dis­ease, and Krys­texxa, which treats chron­ic re­frac­to­ry gout. The agency is wor­ried that small­er com­pa­nies won’t be able to com­pete if Am­gen and Hori­zon en­gage in “bundling,” which in­volves of­fer­ing dis­counts on mul­ti­ple prod­ucts.

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