Amgen raises ‘bad’ cholesterol concerns in campaign with American Heart Association

Al­most half (47%) of heart at­tack and stroke sur­vivors don’t know their LDL or “bad cho­les­terol” num­ber. That’s ac­cord­ing to a re­cent Amer­i­can Heart As­so­ci­a­tion (AHA) sur­vey by The Har­ris Poll, which al­so found that 70% of the same group doesn’t know that LDL is com­mon­ly called “bad cho­les­terol.”

How­ev­er, AHA thinks they should. So it’s team­ing up with Am­gen as spon­sor on a new cam­paign to ed­u­cate peo­ple about LDL, which stands for low-den­si­ty lipopro­tein cho­les­terol, and en­cour­age them to work to low­er their lev­els. The “Low­er Your LDL Cho­les­terol Now” ef­fort in­cludes a web­site, so­cial me­dia and dig­i­tal as­sets ex­plain­ing LDL and its im­por­tance.

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