Amgen says RNA heart drug has long-lasting effect as it races Novartis; Eli Lilly takes pill approach to same target: #ESC23

Am­gen and Eli Lil­ly un­veiled new da­ta for their ex­per­i­men­tal heart drugs that tar­get lipopro­tein(a) — a cho­les­terol car­ri­er that can in­crease the risk of heart dis­eases — as the in­dus­try races to de­vel­op the next big class of car­dio drugs.

Ol­pasir­an’s long-last­ing ef­fect

Am­gen shared Sat­ur­day that pa­tients who got the mid­dle and high dos­es of the siR­NA drug ol­pasir­an once every three months still saw a 40% to 50% re­duc­tion in their lipopro­tein(a), or Lp(a), lev­els around one year af­ter re­ceiv­ing the fi­nal dose com­pared to place­bo.

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