Amgen takes a lighthearted approach in latest Otezla campaign around mild-to-moderate psoriasis

Am­gen is adopt­ing a light­heart­ed tone in its lat­est Ote­zla cam­paign, high­light­ing pso­ri­a­sis treat­ment and en­cour­ag­ing pa­tients to “live in the mo­ment.”

The new work, based on pa­tient re­search and in­sights, in­cludes a TV ad, point of care, so­cial me­dia and dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing as well as a re­vamp of the Ote­zla web­site. Ote­zla is in­di­cat­ed for adults with plaque pso­ri­a­sis as well as in­di­ca­tions for pso­ri­at­ic arthri­tis and oral ul­cers with Be­hçet’s dis­ease.

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