Amgen touts two cancer study wins with DLL3, Lumakras amid second-quarter earnings update

Two can­cer drugs suc­ceed­ed in mid- or late-stage clin­i­cal stud­ies, Am­gen said Thurs­day in its sec­ond-quar­ter earn­ings an­nounce­ment.

“Mo­men­tum is build­ing in the pipeline,” Am­gen CFO Pe­ter Grif­fith told End­points News, adding the biotech plans to dis­cuss both datasets with reg­u­la­tors, call­ing a study for the DLL3-tar­get­ing drug tar­latam­ab “po­ten­tial­ly reg­is­tra­tional.”

In a Phase II small cell lung can­cer study, tar­latam­ab showed a durable re­sponse rate that “sub­stan­tial­ly ex­ceeds what was pre­vi­ous­ly re­port­ed in the Phase I study,” the $123 bil­lion drug­mak­ing gi­ant said in its midyear up­date. But spe­cif­ic da­ta were sparse in Thurs­day’s re­lease; Am­gen said it will present more de­tailed re­sults at an up­com­ing med­ical con­fer­ence.

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