Amylyx to voluntarily withdraw ALS drug Relyvrio after Phase 3 fail, will lay off around 70%

Amy­lyx an­nounced Thurs­day morn­ing that it will pull its ALS drug Re­lyvrio from the US and Cana­di­an mar­kets.

The de­ci­sion comes as Amy­lyx will al­so lay off around 70% of its work­force in or­der to ex­tend its cash run­way to 2026, it said in a press re­lease. Re­lyvrio will not be avail­able for new pa­tients as of to­day, but pa­tients who are cur­rent­ly tak­ing the ther­a­py can con­tin­ue to do so for free.

“While this is a dif­fi­cult mo­ment for the ALS com­mu­ni­ty, we reached this path for­ward in part­ner­ship with the stake­hold­ers who will be im­pact­ed and in line with our stead­fast com­mit­ment to peo­ple liv­ing with ALS and oth­er neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­eases,” co-CEOs Justin Klee and Joshua Co­hen said in a state­ment.

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