Annexon lays out more GA drug data; Okyo Pharma pulls back public offering

In May, An­nex­on’s drug can­di­date ANX007 did not prove bet­ter at re­duc­ing the le­sion growth in a lead­ing cause of blind­ness. Now more da­ta have been un­veiled as to what had ini­tial­ly hap­pened.

An­nex­on is tout­ing that the drug of­fered pro­tec­tion from vi­sion loss and shown in ad­di­tion­al mea­sures of vi­su­al func­tion, such as low lu­mi­nance vi­su­al ac­tiv­i­ty and low lu­mi­nance vi­su­al deficit. An­nex­on said it has al­so done more analy­ses on the tri­al and pre­sent­ed that the can­di­date showed risk re­duc­tion for the best cor­rect­ed vi­su­al acu­ity mar­ket in GA.

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