Antios reportedly shut down; Clene’s long-term ALS data; Keytruda, Lenvima’s lung cancer failures

Plus, Val­ne­va signs US con­tract for Ix­i­aro, and Pierre Fab­re inks a can­cer deal with Ver­nalis.

He­pati­tis B start­up An­tios Ther­a­peu­tics shuts down — re­port

An FDA hold tanked An­tios Ther­a­peu­tics, a he­pati­tis B biotech that had raised about $200 mil­lion be­fore shut­ting down ear­li­er this year, per Fierce Biotech. The FDA had placed a hold on An­tios’ Phase IIa tri­al in May 2022 af­ter a pa­tient in a triple com­bi­na­tion por­tion of the study had hy­poten­sion and brady­car­dia. As­sem­bly Bio­sciences quick­ly axed its clin­i­cal tri­al col­lab­o­ra­tion agree­ment with An­tios. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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