Apogee and Sagimet’s IPO plans come into view, with targeted raises of $228M and $66M

Apogee Ther­a­peu­tics and Sagimet Bio­sciences of­fered new de­tails on their IPO plans Mon­day morn­ing, say­ing they look to raise $228 mil­lion and $66 mil­lion in their re­spec­tive Nas­daq list­ings, which could take place as ear­ly as this week.

The biotechs filed their price ranges with the SEC af­ter last week’s Fourth of Ju­ly hol­i­day when many biotechs and phar­mas ei­ther had shut­down weeks or many em­ploy­ees were on va­ca­tion. As work­ers re­turn, the com­pa­nies hope the in­vestors will, too.

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