Apogee files to go public, unveiling plans to make a play for Dupixent’s turf

Apogee Ther­a­peu­tics launched last year with $169 mil­lion in pri­vate fi­nanc­ing and is head­ed for an IPO.

The start­up was spun out of Paragon Ther­a­peu­tics in De­cem­ber but with few de­tails about ex­act­ly what tar­gets it would go af­ter. Thurs­day’s IPO fil­ing pro­vides some de­tails.

Its drug APG777 is an un­der-the-skin mAb tar­get­ing IL-13 and will en­ter a healthy vol­un­teer study in Aus­tralia in the sec­ond half of this year. If the da­ta are pos­i­tive, it will go in­to a Phase II tri­al in atopic der­mati­tis. It al­so has APG808, a mAb tar­get­ing IL-4Rα for COPD.

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