Argenx scraps program in skin autoimmune disease after Vyvgart Hytrulo flunks another PhIII trial

Ar­genx’s au­toim­mune dis­ease drug Vyv­gart Hytru­lo flunked its sec­ond late-stage tri­al in as many months, and the com­pa­ny is aban­don­ing the in­di­ca­tion al­to­geth­er.

The Dutch biotech said Tues­day that the sub­cu­ta­neous ver­sion of its drug did not meet the pri­ma­ry end­point of the Phase III AD­DRESS study, which was in­ves­ti­gat­ing Vyv­gart Hytru­lo plus steroids in adults with pem­phi­gus vul­garis and pem­phi­gus fo­li­aceus, two com­mon types of an au­toim­mune dis­ease.

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