ARPA-H calls on AI developers to help tackle cyberattacks

The Biden ad­min­is­tra­tion is en­list­ing AI de­vel­op­ers to help dis­cov­er ways to tack­le cy­ber and ran­somware at­tacks against health­care sys­tems, which have been on the rise in re­cent years.

The Ad­vanced Re­search Projects Agency for Health, ARPA-H, is launch­ing its arm of the Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Cy­ber Chal­lenge, an ini­tia­tive spear­head­ed by the De­fense Ad­vanced Re­search Projects Agency that puts up fund­ing in­cen­tives for AI de­vel­op­ers who come up with so­lu­tions to iden­ti­fy­ing and re­spond­ing to cy­ber­at­tacks.

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