As focus shifts to oncology, BioNTech nabs Novartis exec as chief commercial officer

BioN­Tech has hired one of No­var­tis’ ra­di­oli­gand ther­a­py lead­ers as its new chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer, as the com­pa­ny looks to piv­ot from re­liance on its Covid fran­chise and be­come a mul­ti-prod­uct com­pa­ny.

Mean­while, the Ger­man drug­mak­er ter­mi­nat­ed an ear­ly-phase study that com­bines one of its can­cer vac­cines with Sanofi and Re­gen­eron’s Lib­tayo in prostate can­cer, as it tout­ed its wider on­col­o­gy pipeline on Wednes­day.

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