Astellas writes down another piece of its Audentes gene therapy acquisition

Astel­las will take a $450 mil­lion (70 bil­lion Japan­ese yen) hit in its lat­est quar­ter as it writes down the val­ue of a pre­clin­i­cal gene ther­a­py pro­gram and an ane­mia treat­ment al­ready on the mar­ket.

More than half of the im­pair­ment loss — al­most $260 mil­lion (40 bil­lion Japan­ese yen) — is tied to AT808, a gene re­place­ment ther­a­py for Friedre­ich’s atax­ia. An­oth­er $100 mil­lion con­cerns the Fi­bro­Gen-part­nered re­nal ane­mia drug Evren­zo, whose sales have dis­ap­point­ed.

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