AstraZeneca advances Fasenra’s marketing with new campaign that’s on TikTok for first time

Peo­ple liv­ing with se­vere asth­ma are lit­er­al­ly step­ping away from so­cial me­dia and in­to ac­tive out­door lives in As­traZeneca’s newest cam­paign for its asth­ma med­ica­tion Fasen­ra.

A video op­ti­cal ef­fect shows peo­ple climb­ing out of their homes in­to scenes where they are hik­ing or play­ing bas­ket­ball in the “Step­ping Back Out” TV, dig­i­tal and so­cial ef­fort.

The use of scene-chang­ing videos was dri­ven by in­sights from pa­tients who want to en­gage in the ac­tiv­i­ties they see on so­cial me­dia while they’re stuck in­side feel­ing sick or wor­ried about asth­ma trig­gers, said Matt Gray, As­traZeneca’s ex­ec­u­tive di­rec­tor of US mar­ket­ing for Fasen­ra.

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