AstraZeneca allocates £650M to boost its UK manufacturing, campus footprint 

As­traZeneca is look­ing to spend £450 mil­lion ($827.1 mil­lion) to ex­pand its UK vac­cine man­u­fac­tur­ing site, on top of a £200 bud­get ($254.4 mil­lion) on a new fa­cil­i­ty to in­crease its pres­ence with­in the life sci­ences clus­ter in Cam­bridge, UK.

The vac­cine man­u­fac­tur­ing site in Speke, which is a 30-minute dri­ve from the cen­ter of Liv­er­pool, would boost the com­pa­ny’s R&D and man­u­fac­tur­ing ca­pa­bil­i­ties, ac­cord­ing to a press re­lease by the UK gov­ern­ment as a part of chan­cel­lor Je­re­my Hunt’s spring bud­get. The fa­cil­i­ty al­ready pro­duces child­hood vac­cines.

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