AstraZeneca, Amgen tout Phase 2a Tezspire data in COPD ahead of Dupixent decision

As­traZeneca and Am­gen laid out the full Phase 2a dataset for Tezspire in COPD at the Amer­i­can Tho­racic So­ci­ety’s In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Sun­day, pro­vid­ing a deep­er look at how their im­munol­o­gy drug could po­ten­tial­ly com­pete with Sanofi and Re­gen­eron’s Dupix­ent.

Al­though the tri­al did not achieve sta­tis­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance, as out­lined in a topline read­out in April, the fig­ures in sub­groups were enough to launch Phase 3 plan­ning and set an­a­lysts abuzz with spec­u­la­tion. The FDA is ex­pect­ed to make a de­ci­sion next month on whether Dupix­ent can be used to treat COPD in for­mer smok­ers.

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