AstraZeneca bails on roxadustat’s future in the US, but keeps China pact with FibroGen

As­traZeneca is hand­ing back US and cer­tain oth­er re­gion­al rights for rox­adu­s­tat to Fi­bro­Gen, end­ing a two-and-a-half-year lim­bo that fol­lowed an FDA re­jec­tion of the ane­mia drug.

The two com­pa­nies will keep their deals in Chi­na and South Ko­rea, where rox­adu­s­tat is al­ready ap­proved, Fi­bro­Gen added in a Mon­day re­lease. In 2023, rox­adu­s­tat net sales in Chi­na to­taled $284.1 mil­lion, the biotech re­port­ed in its con­cur­rent full-year earn­ings re­port, adding that it’s ex­pect­ing an ap­proval de­ci­sion in chemother­a­py-in­duced ane­mia in the coun­try lat­er this year.

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