AstraZeneca builds into China; Eli Lilly hit with 483; GSK’s new collaboration 

Wel­come to End­points News’ man­u­fac­tur­ing news briefs, where we bring you es­sen­tial up­dates on new builds, col­lab­o­ra­tions, re­calls and more.

As­traZeneca and Taizhou Na­tion­al Med­ical High-tech De­vel­op­ment Zone have part­nered to ex­pand the Big Phar­ma’s pres­ence in Chi­na, As­traZeneca con­firmed to End­points News. The com­pa­ny will be in­vest­ing 190 mil­lion yuan ($26.8 mil­lion) to build a new pro­duc­tion line for met­formin hy­drochlo­ride and the di­a­betes ther­a­py Da­pagliflozin, as first re­port­ed by Chi­na Dai­ly.

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