AstraZeneca debuts Airsupra DTC campaign along with a first-ever telehealth option

An awk­ward an­i­mat­ed di­nosaur stars in As­traZeneca’s first di­rect-to-con­sumer cam­paign for its dual-med­ica­tion asth­ma in­haler Air­supra.

“Wal­ter the Di­no” wears a tra­di­tion­al al­buterol in­haler on a chain around his neck in the new TV com­mer­cial as he bumps and crowds his re­al-life com­pan­ion. The voiceover pro­pos­es Air­supra as the “mod­ern way” to treat asth­ma symp­toms as the young man leaves his doc­tor’s of­fice and waves good­bye to the out­dat­ed di­nosaur.

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