AstraZeneca lands FDA approval for AKT inhibitor in biomarker-defined breast cancer subset

As­traZeneca has scored an FDA ap­proval for its AKT in­hibitor capi­vasert­ib, adding a new tar­get­ed ther­a­py to its treat­ment of­fer­ings in breast can­cer.

The drug, with the mar­ket name Truqap, is ap­proved in com­bi­na­tion with As­traZeneca’s own Faslodex (ful­ves­trant) to treat a sub­set of pa­tients with hor­mone re­cep­tor (HR)-pos­i­tive, HER2-neg­a­tive lo­cal­ly ad­vanced or metasta­t­ic breast can­cer who have pro­gressed on at least one en­docrine-based reg­i­men in the metasta­t­ic set­ting or ex­pe­ri­enced re­cur­rence with­in 12 months of com­plet­ing ad­ju­vant ther­a­py.

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