AstraZeneca launches awareness campaigns for physicians and patients with dual asthma message

As­traZeneca is tack­ling the du­al­i­ty of asth­ma in two new aware­ness cam­paigns, one aimed at physi­cians and the oth­er at pa­tients.

The goal is to un­der­score the im­por­tance of both main­te­nance and res­cue med­i­cines, which ad­dress the two sides of asth­ma. The un­brand­ed cam­paigns come about six months af­ter the FDA ap­proval of As­traZeneca and part­ner Avil­lion’s Air­supra in­haler, a com­bi­na­tion of al­buterol, a short-act­ing be­ta2-ag­o­nist (SA­BA), and budes­onide, an in­haled cor­ti­cos­teroid (ICS).

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