AstraZeneca pulls Covid-19 vaccine globally as the pharma sees ‘no future commercial demand’

As­traZeneca is with­draw­ing its Ox­ford-col­lab­o­rat­ed Covid-19 vac­cine from glob­al mar­kets, the UK-based phar­ma com­pa­ny con­firmed in a state­ment to End­points News on Tues­day.

The spokesper­son said As­traZeneca no longer man­u­fac­tures or sup­plies the vac­cine, which was first cleared for emer­gency sup­ply in the UK in De­cem­ber 2020 and had since been de­liv­ered to more than 180 coun­tries.

“As mul­ti­ple, vari­ant Covid-19 vac­cines have since been de­vel­oped, there is a sur­plus of avail­able up­dat­ed vac­cines,” the As­traZeneca spokesper­son said in an emailed state­ment. “This has led to a de­cline in de­mand for Vaxzevria, which is no longer be­ing man­u­fac­tured or sup­plied. We will part­ner with reg­u­la­to­ry au­thor­i­ties glob­al­ly to ini­ti­ate mar­ket­ing au­tho­riza­tion with­drawals for Vaxzevria, where no fu­ture com­mer­cial de­mand for the vac­cine is ex­pect­ed.”

Endpoints News

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