AstraZeneca subsidiary to sell its Bangalore site, to hunt for external manufacturer 

As­traZeneca’s In­dia sub­sidiary is sell­ing its on­ly man­u­fac­tur­ing site in Ban­ga­lore as part of an on­go­ing strate­gic re­view of its man­u­fac­tur­ing and sup­ply net­work, ac­cord­ing to a Thurs­day reg­u­la­to­ry fil­ing.

As­traZeneca Phar­ma In­dia is sell­ing the fa­cil­i­ty in a “ful­ly op­er­a­tional man­ner.” It is look­ing for a buy­er who will al­so man­u­fac­ture — on con­tract — its drug prod­ucts cur­rent­ly made or pack­aged at the same Ban­ga­lore site, the fil­ing states.

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