AstraZeneca’s Imfinzi combo extends PFS in liver cancer; Novartis shares new details about Lutathera’s PhIII

Here are the lat­est da­ta from AS­CO’s Gas­troin­testi­nal Can­cers Sym­po­sium:

Imfinzi com­bo ex­tends pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival in liv­er can­cer: In a Phase III tri­al, As­traZeneca’s Imfinzi plus be­va­cizum­ab, oth­er­wise known as Avastin, on top of a stan­dard care chemother­a­py treat­ment called TACE for liv­er can­cer, staved off can­cer pro­gres­sion longer than the chemother­a­py treat­ment alone. The EMER­ALD-1 study in­clud­ed over 600 pa­tients with he­pa­to­cel­lu­lar car­ci­no­ma, which is the most com­mon form of liv­er can­cer and can’t be re­moved by surgery. How­ev­er, these pa­tients were el­i­gi­ble for em­boliza­tion, the pro­ce­dure used for TACE.

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