Atai Life Sciences spotlights early depression data for psychedelic ahead of big readout

Less than two months af­ter bet­ting $50 mil­lion on Beck­ley Psytech’s psy­che­del­ic drugs, atai Life Sci­ences has shared ini­tial Phase 2a re­sults for one can­di­date that it says sup­port its use in treat­ment-re­sis­tant de­pres­sion.

In an open-la­bel study in­volv­ing 12 pa­tients — 11 of whom were in­clud­ed for analy­sis — a sin­gle dose of Beck­ley Psytech’s BPL-003 had an an­ti­de­pres­sant re­sponse on day 2, as mea­sured by the Mont­gomery–Ås­berg De­pres­sion Rat­ing Scale. At week 4, 55% of pa­tients were in re­mis­sion, and 45% were still in re­mis­sion at week 12, ac­cord­ing to atai.

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