Atara Biotherapeutics to lay off 73 California employees by the end of the year

Atara Bio­ther­a­peu­tics is lay­ing off 73 work­ers in Cal­i­for­nia at the end of the year, a lit­tle less than a month af­ter an­nounc­ing a re­struc­tur­ing and a failed Phase II tri­al in mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis.

In No­vem­ber, Atara said it would be “un­der­tak­ing a strate­gic re­struc­tur­ing” and re­duc­ing its work­force by 30% and ex­pect­ed its cash to fund the com­pa­ny in­to the third quar­ter of 2025. The biotech al­so re­port­ed a net loss of $69.8 mil­lion, or $0.66 per share, for the third quar­ter this year.

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